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Coffee Maker

5 Things No One Will Tell You About Making Coffee At Home

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Coffee cups and lids have been found to be one of the most pervasive single-use plastic items found in our oceans and on our shorelines. A whopping 1.6 billion cups made with plastic are thrown away in Canada every year. If we all started making our own coffee at home instead of buying it from cafes or restaurants, we could save millions upon millions of trees every year. It would also make our world a little bit cleaner and greener.

· You can save money. Making your own coffee at home is much cheaper than buying it from a coffee shop or a vending machine. You can also control the quality and quantity of the ingredients, and avoid paying extra for syrups, whipped cream, or other toppings. According to a study by Finder Canada, the average Canadian spends $1,922 per year on coffee, which is more than the average annual electricity bill. Imagine how much you could save by brewing your own coffee at home!

· You can customize your coffee. When you make your own coffee at home, you have the freedom to experiment with different types of beans, roasts, grinds, and brewing methods. You can also adjust the strength, temperature, and flavor of your coffee to suit your personal preference and mood. You can even create your own signature blends and recipes, and share them with your blog readers. Making your own coffee at home allows you to express your creativity and individuality.

· You can reduce your environmental impact. Making your own coffee at home can help you reduce the amount of waste and pollution that comes from disposable cups, lids, straws, and stirrers. You can also choose to buy organic, fair trade, or shade-grown coffee beans, which are more sustainable and ethical than conventional ones. By making your own coffee at home, you can support the farmers and communities that grow your coffee, and protect the biodiversity and ecosystems that depend on it.

· You can improve your health and well-being. Making your own coffee at home can have positive effects on your physical and mental health. Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which can protect your cells from damage and inflammation. Coffee can also boost your metabolism, energy, mood, and cognitive performance. However, too much caffeine can cause anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and dehydration. By making your own coffee at home, you can regulate your caffeine intake and avoid adding too much sugar, cream, or artificial flavors to your drink.

· You can enjoy the process and the result. Making your own coffee at home can be a relaxing and rewarding experience. You can take some time to appreciate the aroma, taste, and texture of your coffee, and savor every sip. You can also share your coffee with your family, friends, or blog followers, and bond over a common passion. Making your own coffee at home can enrich your life with joy and satisfaction.

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